Discography of "megarare" records

Bootlegs with a rating of "megarare" are those records that are the jewel in the crown of any collection. You may collect for years and never see some of these. Unless you are very lucky, these records will be very expensive, even in only VG condition

Queen Albums

JapanFlash Alive2LPQ 80128 A/B/C/D1981, 300 copiesmegararedefinite
JapanFree In The Park [tracks]LPZAP 79601976, black/white cover, green labelsmegararedefinite
GermanyHer Majesty's Secret Service2LP BOXTFKRL 90011990, 50 numbered copies, T-Shirt, bookletmegararedefinite
JapanHot Space Tour '823LPETS 2511/2/3 A/B1982, colour cover, 400 copiesmegararedefinite
JapanInvite You To A Night At The Budo KanLPTQ 76059 A/B1976, colour cover, 300 copiesmegararedefinite
JapanLive In Japan2LPS 3004 A/B/C/D1982, blue/white cover, 200 copiesmegararedefinite
JapanQueen's Last Stand 19852LPETS 2582/25831985, 400 copiesmegararedefinite

Total matches: 8