Hong Kong discography

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Queen Singles

Hong KongSOMEBODY TO LOVE/YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND7" PSJackpot POT69turquoise vinyl flexi with poster and stickersrarereport
Hong KongUNDER PRESSURE/Soul Brother7"-averagedefinite

Queen Albums

Hong KongQueen IILPbrown sleevescarcedefinite
Hong KongA Night At The OperaLP-averagereport
Hong KongThe GameLPEMI EMA 795-averagedefinite
Hong KongA Kind Of MagicLPEMI SP8606HP-averagedefinite

Freddie Singles

Hong KongLOVE KILLS(ext)+112" PSCBS-Sony CSA 1005-averagedefinite
Hong KongI WAS BORN TO LOVE YOU(ext)/Stop All The Fighting12" PSCBS-Sony CSA 1025-uncommondefinite
Hong KongTHE GREAT PRETENDER+112"EMI 12HK1black vinyl, large labelsraredefinite
Hong KongTHE GREAT PRETENDER+112"EMI 12HK1clear vinyl, large labelsraredefinite
Hong KongBARCELONA12" PSone-sided, unique sleeverareadvert
Hong KongHOW CAN I GO ON12" PSPolydor FM MCone-sidedraredefinite

Freddie Albums

Hong KongMr Bad GuyLPCBS-Sony CYA-1080lyric insert and chinese stickeruncommondefinite
Hong KongMr Bad GuyTCbigger pictureaveragedefinite

Roger Albums

Hong KongFun In SpaceLPno inneraveragedefinite

Other Albums

Hong KongMetropolis soundtrackLPCBS-Sony CYA 1017-commonreport

Total matches: 16