Country | Album | Format | Catalogue | Comment | Rating | Status |
Russian Federation | A Night At The Opera | LP | Santa ATR30126 N93 00553/4 | not gatefold | common | definite |
Russian Federation | A Day At The Races | LP | Santa ATR30127/8 | not gatefold | common | definite |
Russian Federation | Jazz | LP | Santa ATR30179/80 D93 00607.08 | not gatefold | common | definite |
Russian Federation | Jazz | LP | Santa ATR30127/28 N93 0067/68 | not gatefold | common | definite |
Russian Federation | The Miracle | LP | Santa ATR30155/6 N93 00583/84 | paler sleeve, different back, crest label, includes "Hang On In there" | average | definite |
Russian Federation | Innuendo | LP | Santa ATR30151 N93 00579/80 | different back, different track order, tracks not edited | common | definite |